Thursday, July 2, 2009

These are
some hot
they are
called the
jonas brothers.

Rate your Summer

My summer is rated as a 5 propably because people won't leave me alone and stop messing with my stuff, when I asked them to stop but they don't listen at all. But other than that it would be rated a 10 big time. It is hard to handle when you have to deal with it all the time.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Elvis and
Nick so so
so so so so
so so so so
so so so so
so so so so
so so so so
so so so so
so so cute.

Nick is
Idol so
and cute.



He loves
to play
the guitar.

Nick got a new
dog for his 16th
birthday he named
him Elvis because his
hero is Elvis Preslay.

He faints on stage
because of his diabetes
he is very ill and in the
hospital for a week.

He is
it is

Nick is singing
so cute he has
to go through
alot with his
diabetes while
performing but
he maked it
This is Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus
practicly hugging each other.
Nick is
so cute
he has
hearts all
around him
is so cute
and it
says love
on it.

This is Nick Jonas on a break from a movie it is so awesome he is playing ping pong.

More Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas is more of a text messaging person, sometimes he gets on myspace, facebook, youtube, and their original site and it is at You can get an account and talk to them in person it is awesome. He likes to hang out with friends and family. He usually goes to the movies with his brothers, Miley, Demi, Selena, Ashley, Cody, and David. It is so fun to listen to what they say at their interviews, it intertains alot of people. They go to dinner to but I don't know were at all.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Dante is nice when he is around some people, but when he is around certain people he goes crazy on them. I think it is cool, I would go crazy on them to. I just love it when he does that it; is so funny.

Monday, June 29, 2009


My weekend was awesome my mom, dad, Aaron, and I all went to trey's dads house and then Kyanna, Cole, Adam, Hydee, Ashley, and Chala came over. Then all of the kids except Adam, and Aaron, they stay outside and we went inside. I stay the night at Kyanna's house and fell asleep at one o'clock in the morning then I had to wake up at seven thirty in the morning then I waited for my mom to pick me up and went to summer school. I AMMMMMMM SOOOOOOOOOO TIREDDDDDDDDD.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas's favorite food is steak, he was diagnosis with diabetes at age twelve. He has a insulin pod that helps him perform on stage, he has to wear it all the time, he also has to poke his finger to found out his blood sugar. Nick is always teasing his brothers on the interviews, it is so funny. Nick favorite snack is twinkies, he's favorite dessert is pumpkin pie. He's favorite ice cream is cotton candy. Nick's nicknames are Nicky or Nick, his real name is Nichalas Jerry Jonas. He been dating Miley Cyrus for more than three years and then they broke up for a year and now they are dating again. They been dating for like 3 weeks now and it is better before when they first went out. His favorite color is blue, and his favorite sports are golf and baseball. He has a little brother named is Frankie, he looks exactly like Nick and Frankie is only 9. Frankie already has a band of his own with Miley Cyrus's brother Bryson and sister Noah. Frankie turns 10 September 28th, and Nick turns 17 September 16. Nick also has two more brothers named joe and he turnes 20 August 15, and kevin he turnes 22 November 2. Their mom's name is Denise Jonas and their dad's name is Paul Kevin Jonas. Nick was born in Dallas, Texas. Joe was born in Arizona, Kevin was born in New Jersey, and Frankie was born in Wycott, New Jersey.

Monday, June 22, 2009

My weekend

My weekend was awesome I got to go to Trey's dads house and go with him to work with my dad. I also got to see my Aunt Misty and cousin Darren at my grandmas house and spent time with them for a while. Also I was home watching the Jonas Brothers and getting magazines of the Jonas Brothers.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What I am worried about

I am worried about high school because you would be around people you don't know. You would think that you don't fit in at all and will not have any friends. I am also worried about my dads aunt dying because she is in the hospital and been their for like 6 weeks and hadn't got any better when she went.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How I felt in the storm last night

I felt a little scared in the storm last night because I was outside and it started to pour then it started to hail and then it started thunder and lightning. When it was thundering I went to bed and when it made a loud noise I jump up and hit the door of my bed room.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Father's Day Cinquain

Smart, interesting
Funny, tall, skinny
He likes fast motorcycles

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ian my best friend

My best friend is dependable, fun, and interesting. He likes to play video games and watch t.v. His name is Ian Tankersley. I known him since I was born and he is my big crush. Ian usually plays halo 3 and call of duty 4 with me. If he isn't he is watching t.v. or playing outside with me. Ian is really fun he does anything his friends want unless it is bad. Ian is not a bad kid. He listens to his mom and sister when they ask him to do something. I can depend on him when ever i want because i know he will not let me or my family down.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

If Ms.Rich lived by me

If I found out Ms.Rich was moving beside me, I would feel kinda like i was getting watch because i don't like teachers by my house. Also I would probably feel like I was having to do all good grammar and all that stuff because she would probably be outside when I am outside. I am usually outside because i play football and stuff with Ian so if she is outside she could here every word I say. I would like for a teacher to live by me but I would feel so weird, I love her dogs and everything like that.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

If I were given $5000

If I were given $5000 this summer I would keep half for college, then i would use the other half buying video games, a dirt bike, and a new laptop. If I put half of the money I am saving for college in my bank account it would make me more money. When I buy the video games my brother and Ian will play them with me. We would have so much fun playing Halo 3 and call of duty 4. When I buy the dirt bike Ian would drive me around Mulvane and we would hang out. When I buy the new laptop I would be able to get on the internet without a problem.

Monday, June 8, 2009


bees are black and yellow, they sting people, they make honey, they suck in nectar from flowers to make the honey, they come in a variety of sizes, they fly, and buzz around people heads to get to where they are going.

June 8th, 2009

Todays plans are to set up a blog, this is fun so far.