Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas's favorite food is steak, he was diagnosis with diabetes at age twelve. He has a insulin pod that helps him perform on stage, he has to wear it all the time, he also has to poke his finger to found out his blood sugar. Nick is always teasing his brothers on the interviews, it is so funny. Nick favorite snack is twinkies, he's favorite dessert is pumpkin pie. He's favorite ice cream is cotton candy. Nick's nicknames are Nicky or Nick, his real name is Nichalas Jerry Jonas. He been dating Miley Cyrus for more than three years and then they broke up for a year and now they are dating again. They been dating for like 3 weeks now and it is better before when they first went out. His favorite color is blue, and his favorite sports are golf and baseball. He has a little brother named is Frankie, he looks exactly like Nick and Frankie is only 9. Frankie already has a band of his own with Miley Cyrus's brother Bryson and sister Noah. Frankie turns 10 September 28th, and Nick turns 17 September 16. Nick also has two more brothers named joe and he turnes 20 August 15, and kevin he turnes 22 November 2. Their mom's name is Denise Jonas and their dad's name is Paul Kevin Jonas. Nick was born in Dallas, Texas. Joe was born in Arizona, Kevin was born in New Jersey, and Frankie was born in Wycott, New Jersey.


  1. Katie, you know a lot about the Jonas brothers. You must really like them a lot.

  2. I lost my grandpa four years ago he had a heart atack

  3. This post is very well written. It makes me feel like I almost know him now which is a sign of a good writer. I didn't know he dated Miley Cyrus. I wonder if they sing to each other or write songs for each other. Do you know? They certainly have a lot in common. I have a magazine for you with the Jonas brothers on the cover. I bought it with you in mind but I want to finish reading it first. Of course, there is a long article on the Jonas brothers. I'm so glad you're here; I was worried that you weren't coming.
